Data from Highly Sensitive <i>EGFRvIII</i> Detection in Circulating Extracellular Vesicle RNA of Glioma Patients


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Liquid biopsy offers an attractive platform for noninvasive tumor diagnosis, prognostication, and prediction of glioblastoma clinical outcomes. Prior studies report that 30% to 50% of GBM lesions characterized by EGFR amplification also harbor the EGFRvIII mutation.

Experimental Design:

A novel digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) assay for high GC content amplicons was developed and optimized for sensitive detection of EGFRvIII in tumor tissue and circulating extracellular vesicle RNA (EV RNA) isolated from the plasma of patients with glioma.


Our optimized qPCR assay detected EGFRvIII mRNA in 81% [95% confidence interval (CI), 68%–94%] of EGFR-amplified glioma tumor tissue, indicating a higher than previously reported prevalence of EGFRvIII in glioma. Using the optimized ddPCR assay in discovery and blinded validation cohorts, we detected EGFRvIII mutation in 73% (95% CI, 64%–82%) of patients with a specificity of 98% (95% CI, 87%–100%), compared with qPCR tumor tissue analysis. In addition, upon longitudinal monitoring in 4 patients, we report detection of EGFRvIII in the plasma of patients with different clinical outcomes, rising with tumor progression, and decreasing in response to treatment.


This study demonstrates the feasibility of detecting EGFRvIII mutation in plasma using a highly sensitive and specific ddPCR assay. We also show a higher than previously reported EGFRvIII prevalence in glioma tumor tissue. Several features of the assay are favorable for clinical implementation for detection and monitoring of EGFRvIII-positive tumors.

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