Supplementary Figure 3 from Transcriptional Profiling of Melanoma Sentinel Nodes Identify Patients with Poor Outcome and Reveal an Association of CD30<sup>+</sup> T Lymphocytes with Progression


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PDF file - 107K, Supplementary Figure S3.Comparative gene expression analysis by qRT-PCR of the genes that were differently expressed between the PP and the PN groups. A. Genes upregulated in the PP samples (DEFA1, IL17B, and CST6) (p<0.05). B. Genes upregulated in the PN samples (CD68, MUM1, and ADAM22) (p<0.05). The graphs display the results obtained using the training and validation samples. The relative quantification for each sample was determined using 2-DCt, and RPL13A was used as an internal reference.

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