Supplemental Figure S1 from Treatment-Induced Tumor Cell Apoptosis and Secondary Necrosis Drive Tumor Progression in the Residual Tumor Microenvironment through MerTK and IDO1


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Supplemental Figure S1. Tumors harvested on treatment d 1 and d 7 were assessed by IHC for P-Neu Y1248. Representative images are shown. Original magnification, 400X. N = 5. Histological analysis of H&E-stained tumor sections. Tumors were collected on treatment day 2 (i.e., 1 day after treatment {plus minus} lapatinib). Representative images are shown. N = 5. Original magnification was 400X. Tumors harvested on treatment d 2 were assessed by IHC for CD3 and FoxP3. Representative images are shown. Original magnification, 400X. N = 5. Tumors harvested on treatment d 2 were assessed by IHC for CD3 and FoxP3. Representative images are shown. Original magnification, 400X. N = 5. RT-qPCR analysis of tumor RNA harvested at treatment d 7 measuring relative levels of indicated gene transcripts. Values were calculated using the ddCT method. Each data point represents the average value of 5 technical replicates, N = 5 tumors. For each transcript, values were corrected for the average value measured in vehicle-treated samples. Student's T-test.

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