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Preparation and characterization of polystyrene nanosphere

AIP Conference Proceedings(2023)

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In the current work, the monolayer of polystyrene (PS) nanoparticles have been successfully prepared and investigated by FESEM/EDS, AFM, FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, and TGA and DTG. The FESEM images have shown that monolayer of PS nanoparticles distribute uniformly in a spherical shape all over the surface of the substrate in high molarity while EDS composition confirmed the presence of PS nanoparticles. Furthermore, the image-J computer program was used to further confirm that the size of the PS nanosphere is averagely 470 nm. The AFM further shows that the average roughness Ra and the root-mean-square values of the sample. The measured Ra and Rq values for 5 µm x 5 µm area scans are found to be 32.7 nm and 41.5 nm for the prepared sample respectively. The FTIR spectrum of PS showed the powerless characteristic band at 3325.6 cm−1 relates to the C−H stretching due to aromatic ring which further assignment symmetrical and asymmetrical stretching vibration of CH2 indicate the presence of PS nanoparticles. While the Raman behavior of PS is known to have a strong Raman peak at 530–1008 cm−1, which are present, and a less intense one to the right of the main peak. However, to check the thermal stability of the PS nanoparticles TGA and DTG was used, the results show the endothermic peak corresponding to the evaporation of water molecules, secondly, weight reduction demonstrates that the PS started to corrupt at over 105 °C and is disintegrated at around 450°C. The subsequent significant weight reduction was ascribed to the auxiliary decay of PS.
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polystyrene nanosphere
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