Supplemental Figure 1 from Dietary Microbes Modulate Transgenerational Cancer Risk


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(A) Selected immunohistochemical features of transgenerational neoplasms including TTF1 immunoreactivity of pulmonary carcinoma, Von Willebrand factor expression of hepatic hemagiosarcoma and high numbers of proliferating ki-67-positive cells of theca cell tumor of the ovary. Foci of neoplastic cells with nuclear p53 accumulation in hepatocellular carcinoma (left), pulmonary carcinoma (middle) and ovarian thecoma (right panel). (B) Histology of underrepresented transgenerational cancers. Typical histomorphology of islet cell adenoma of pancreas, ovarian granulosa cell tumor and skin lymphoma. (C) Tabular display of lung and liver tumor types according to treatment. IHC; Di-aminobenzidine chromogen, Hematoxylin counterstain. (A). Hematoxylin and Eosin (B).

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