Modelling of an Intelligent Voice System using MI Algorithm for E-Business.

V. Kiruthiga,Sunanda Kondapalli,Varun Gupta,R. Aarthy,J. Sasidevi, C. Sasthi Kumar


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The next generation will require of such commerce site with the renaissance of conventional technology to more current technology and use of advanced technology, where a large portion of e-commerce are presently created on back of such revolution and inventive breakthroughs like robotization. Most of businesses or owner(s) of these sites are sending off more unique sites rather than conventional list and static sites, so machine learning, augmented with man-made brainpower, and deep learning, which are in demand and profoundly necessary, should be integrated into the present e-commerce sites to be best and profitable for the owners of these sites. The importance of artificial intelligence in various spheres of business and life has increased as a result of the accelerated technological advancement. The use of AI in voice recognition helps organisations and individuals understand how to provide stakeholders with better services and effectively completes the task. Therefore, this work focuses on utilising regression analysis to analyse the critical factors of employing AI in speech recognition for a successful multipurpose Machine Learning platform.
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Intelligent voice system,E-Business,Speech recognition
AI Read Science
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