Codon: A Compiler for High-Performance Pythonic Applications and DSLs


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Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are able to provide intuitive high-level abstractions that are easy to work with while attaining better performance than general-purpose languages. Yet, implementing new DSLs is a burdensome task. As a result, new DSLs are usually embedded in generalpurpose languages. While low-level languages like C or C++ often provide better performance as a host than high-level languages like Python, high-level languages are becoming more prevalent in many domains due to their ease and flexibility. Here, we present Codon, a domain-extensible compiler and DSL framework for high-performance DSLs with Python's syntax and semantics. Codon builds on previous work on ahead-of-time type checking and compilation of Python programs and leverages a novel intermediate representation to easily incorporate domain-specific optimizations and analyses. We showcase and evaluate several compiler extensions and DSLs for Codon targeting various domains, including bioinformatics, secure multi-party computation, block-based data compression and parallel programming, showing that Codon DSLs can provide benefits of familiar high-level languages and achieve performance typically only seen with low-level languages, thus bridging the gap between performance and usability.
domain-specific languages, type checking, Python, optimization, intermediate representation
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