Efficacy of Environmental Cleaning Protocol Featuring Real-Time Feedback with and without PX-UV in Reducing the Contamination of Gram-Negative Microorganisms on High-Touch Surfaces in Four Intensive Care Units in Thailand.

Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland)(2023)

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Environmental cleaning and disinfection practices have been shown to reduce microorganism bioburden in the healthcare environment. This study was performed in four intensive care units in Thailand. Five high-touch surfaces were sampled before and after terminal manual cleaning and disinfection, and after pulsed xenon UV (PX-UV). Five nursing station sites were collected on a weekly basis before and after terminal manual cleaning. There were 100 patient rooms-50 rooms in the intervention arm and 50 rooms in the control arm-plus 32 nursing station sites. In the intervention arm, rooms with positive Gram-negative microorganisms were reduced by 50% after terminal manual cleaning and disinfection ( = 0.04) and 100% after PX-UV disinfection ( < 0.001). On five nursing station sites, colony counts of Gram-negative contamination decreased by 100% ( < 0.001) in the intervention arm while decreasing by 65.2% ( = 0.03) in the control arm after terminal manual cleaning and disinfection. The in-room time use was 15.6 min per room. A PX-UV device significantly reduced the level of Gram-negative microorganisms on high-touch surfaces in intensive care units. The application of a PX-UV device was practical a in resource-limited setting without compromising cleaning and disinfection times.
Gram-negative microorganisms,environmental cleaning,environmental disinfection,terminal cleaning,ultraviolet disinfection
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