Magnetic turn as Martian dayside magnetopause

Authorea (Authorea)(2023)

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The high temporal measurements of the magnetic field and plasma of Mars are provided by Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN; Jakosky et al., 2015) what allows to analyze the fine layers of Mars. This paper describes magnetic structure associated with dayside Martian magnetopause. It was shown that the shocked solar wind at the dayside of Mars does not directly interact with ionosphere of Mars. The plasma and magnetic field layer of 200-300 km thickness form the dayside magnetosphere (Vaisberg and Shuvalov, 2019). Dayside magnetosphere has two types: (1) the dominated type magnetosphere consists mainly of heated and accelerated O + and O 2 + ions having kinetic structure and (2) other type of dayside magnetosphere consists of accelerated O + and O 2 + ions towards the magnetosheath where they form continue accelerated beam forming the plume. Between the magnetosphere and magnetosheath there is magnetic structure which rotates almost unchanging its magnitude. This structure is located within second part of transition of n p /(n p + n h) from ~1 to ~10-2 in logarithm scale. At the same time the flux of protons diminishes and the heavy ions increase. This process goes quite smoothly: 1. the shocked solar wind passing around stagnated obstacle 2. the protons dominated magnetosheath and the heavy ions dominated domain 3. no change of magnetic magnitude 4. no change of magnitude, value by rotation 5 smooth change of ion composition The turn of magnetic structure has the properties and functions are solid candidate for the magnetopause. Introduction: MAVEN gives the possibility to investigate the details of the Martian dayside magnetosphere. In this paper we use the data of). The magnetopause identification was the topic of many investigations. Espley, 2018 considered names based on single phenomena or the essence. His conclusion that that scientific community will understand the physics of the region and refine our terminology to best accurately. Some steps to that have been done. Hapgood and Bryant, 1990, draw attention to the boundary between the shocked solar wind and the boundary of the obstacle. They noticed that there are always two distinct sections of electrons with the autocorrelation between the temperature and density. The simplest interpretation of this autocorrelation is that, in the majority of cases there is a smooth change of plasma state between the bounding solar and terrestrial plasmas. The alternative interpretation was filaments of magnetosheath plasma penetrating the boundary layer.
magnetic turn
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