The Source Parameter of S1222a Marsquake obtained from Spectral Analyses using Empirical Green's Function

Authorea (Authorea)(2023)

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NASA InSight mission revealed that Mars is seismically active today and identified a region with high activity called Cerberus Fossae. Since then, the origin of marsquakes has been an important question in Mars seismology. On 2022/05/04, InSight seismometer detected the largest marsquake during the mission, named S1222a. The source was estimated to be outside the Cerberus Fossae and it would be important to constrain the source parameters of this remarkable event. In this study, we estimate the source parameters of S1222a through spectral analyses. Since we found that seismic spectra of S1222a are heavily contaminated, we performed Empirical Green’s Function analyses. We found that the corner frequencies are 0.34-0.54 Hz for the P wave and 0.17-0.24 Hz for the S wave. These values are slightly higher than those of seismic events at Cerberus Fossae, which implies a faster rupture at the source and different origin for S1222a.
s1222a marsquake,empirical green,spectral analyses,source parameter
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