A study of linear-to-linear (LTL) cross-polarization conversion metasurface (CPCM) in microwave regime


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An efficient new polarization convertor was considered in this paper. It contains semi-circular cutting head coupling, V-shaped head, and diagonal metal strip with the same picture rotation 180⁰ based on the unit cell’s electromagnetic resonant features. This article shows a linear polarization convertor that correctly simulates a metasurface which can be converted to an ultra-wideband frequency with a wide-angle of the incident. To achieve the broad-band polarization conversion, it operates x-and y-linear polarization waves in the specular reflection mode. Four resonances lead to an increase in bandwidth and cross-polarization reflection. The simulated results indicate that it is possible to convert a bandwidth of 92 % from 6.1 to 16.5 GHz with a conversion ratio of 78 % to the reflected waves of x or y. The cross-polarized reflection phase and magnitude can be controlled separately by the geometry and rotation angle. The proposed metasurface polarization capability shows wide-angle incidents from 0⁰ to 45⁰. We designed a model to simulate the ultra-broadband results for x-and y-polarized normal incident waves. The usual metasurface can be discovered promising applications in remote sensing, imaging technology, and reflector antennas operating at microwave frequency.
Anisotropic metasurface,Co-and cross-polarized,Polarization conversion ratio (PCR),Energy conversion ratio (ECR),Ultra-wideband
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