Receptor-receptor interactions and microvesicle exchange as mechanisms modulating signaling between neurons and astrocytes


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It is well known that astrocytes play a significant metabolic role in the nervous tissue, maintaining the homeostasis of the extracellular space and of the blood-brain barrier, and providing trophic support to neurons. In addition, however, evidence exists indicating astrocytes as important elements for brain activity through signaling exchange with neurons. Astrocytes, indeed, can sense synaptic activity and their molecular machinery responds to neurotransmitters released by neurons with cytoplasmic Ca2+ elevations that, in turn, stimulate the release of neuroactive substances (gliotransmitters) influencing nearby neurons. In both cell types the recognition and transduction of this complex pattern of signals is mediated by specific receptors that are also involved in mechanisms tuning the intercellular cross-talk between astrocytes and neurons. Two of these mechanisms are the focus of the present discussion. The first concerns direct receptor-receptor interactions leading to the formation at the cell membrane of multimeric receptor complexes. The cooperativity that emerges in the actions of orthosteric and allosteric ligands of the monomers forming the assembly provides the cell decoding apparatus with sophisticated and flexible dynamics in terms of recognition and signal transduction pathways. A further mechanism of plasticity involving receptors is based on the transfer of elements of the cellular signaling apparatus via extracellular microvesicles acting as protective containers, which can lead to transient changes in the transmitting/decoding capabilities of the target cell.
Tripartite synapse,Astrocytes,Receptor -receptor interactions,Oligomerization,Exosomes,Penta-partite synapse
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