Insight into phylogenomic bias of blaVIM-2 or blaNDM-1 dissemination amongst carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa

International journal of antimicrobial agents(2023)

Cited 2|Views12
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•blaVIM-2 was mostly associated with ST233 and ST111 in Europe.•blaNDM-1 was mostly reported in Asia and distributed by different sequence types.•Significant protein prevalence differences were seen in blaVIM-2+ or blaNDM-1+ accessory genomes.•blaVIM-2 gene frequently inserted in Tn402-like and Tn21 transposons.•blaNDM-1 gene was frequently flanked by ISAba125 or IS91 insertion sequences.
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Key words
Antibiotic resistance,Beta-lactamases,Mobile genetic elements,Phylogenetic diversity
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