Network analysis of reasons for and against changing alcohol use among veterans engaged in a web-based intervention for hazardous drinking and PTSD symptoms.

Addictive behaviors(2023)

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Better understanding of reasons for and against change may be an effective strategy for supporting drinking reduction or abstinence among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. The current study explored connections between reasons for and against changing hazardous alcohol use, as well as the relative importance of a given reason. Data from 366 veterans (86% male, 77% White) between the ages of 21 and 56 (M = 31.8, SD = 7.3) were obtained from a nationwide web-based alcohol and posttraumatic stress disorder randomized clinical trial. Participant-generated reasons for and against change were used to estimate two separate network models. The network of motives for changing alcohol use was generally well connected with predominately positive associations. Veterans reporting motivation to change alcohol use to improve functioning, enhance self-worth, and decrease alcohol-related consequences tended to have higher than average motivation to reduce or abstain from alcohol use. Alternatively, the network structure of motives against changing alcohol use demonstrated a nearly equal number of positive and negative associations. Whereas reasons to cope and sleep may imply higher than average motivation to continue drinking the same, veterans reporting reasons to reduce anxiety and have fun tended to have lower than average motivation to continue drinking. The current study may inform content modifications to self-help tools to more quickly and effectively target users' motivations from the beginning. Capitalizing on intervention users' motivations early may promote sustained engagement or improve therapeutic impact among those who only use the intervention for a short period of time.
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