Ninety-six-hour starved peripheral blood mononuclear cell supernatant inhibited LA7 breast cancer stem cells induced tumor via reduction in angiogenesis and alternations in Gch1 and Spr expressions.

Frontiers in immunology(2022)

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96 h-SPS solution may help to prevent cancer stem cell mediated tumor development. This phenomenon could be mediated through direct cytotoxic effects, inhibition of cell proliferation and migration in association with reduction in and genes expression, angiogenesis and mitosis rate, and necrosis augmentation. The preliminary data obtained from the present study need to be investigated on a larger scale and can be used as a pilot for further studies on the biology of cancer development.
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LA7,adaptive immunity,breast cancer stem cells,cancer development,immunohistochemistry,nano-LC-ESI-MS/MS,serum starvation
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