On the size-dependent internalization of sub-hundred polymeric nanoparticles.

Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces(2023)

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The understanding of the interaction between nanoparticles (NPs) and cells is crucial to design nanocarriers with high therapeutic relevance. In this study, we exploited a microfluidics device to synthesize homogeneous suspensions of NPs with ≈ 30, 50, and 70 nm of size. Afterward, we investigated their level and mechanism of internalization when exposed to different types of cells (endothelial cells, macrophages, and fibroblasts). Our results show that all NPs were cytocompatible and internalized by the different cell types. However, NPs uptake was size-dependent, being the maximum uptake efficiency observed for the 30 nm NPs. Moreover, we demonstrate that size can lead to distinct interactions with different cells. For instance, 30 nm NPs were internalized with an increasing trend over time by endothelial cells, while a steady and a decreasing trend were observed when incubated with LPS-stimulated macrophages and fibroblasts, respectively. Finally, the use of different chemical inhibitors (chlorpromazine, cytochalasin-D, and nystatin), and low temperature (4 °C) indicated that phagocytosis/micropinocytosis are the main internalization mechanism for all NPs sizes. However, different endocytic pathways were initiated in the presence of particular NP sizes. In endothelial cells, for example, caveolin-mediated endocytosis occurs primarily in the presence of 50 nm NPs, whereas clathrin-mediated endocytosis substantially promotes the internalization of 70 nm NPs. This evidence demonstrates the importance of size in the NPs design for mediating interaction with specific cell types.
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