Plastic orbital foreign body: the rise of plastic and its unintended consequences.

Orbit (Amsterdam, Netherlands)(2023)

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Intraorbital foreign bodies (IOrFBs) are a significant cause of ocular morbidity. Although plastic IOrFBs are rare, the increasing use of plastic and polymer composites in motor vehicles will increase their prevalence. Although challenging to identify, plastic IOrFBs have unique radiographic characteristics. The authors describe a case of an 18-year-old man with a history of a motor vehicle accident and a left upper eyelid laceration. In retrospect, imaging suggested a plastic IOrFB, which was initially overlooked. A follow-up examination demonstrated persistent left upper lid ptosis with an underlying mass. Further work-up revealed a retained IOrFB, which was removed via anterior orbitotomy. Scanning electron microscopy of the material was consistent with a plastic polymer. This case demonstrates the importance of maintaining a high suspicion for IOrFBs in the correct clinical context, the need for increased awareness of plastic and polymer composite IOrFBs, and the use of diagnostic imaging for identification.
Intraorbital foreign body,motor vehicle accident,plastic,polymer composite
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