Plastic strain-induced phase transformations in silicon: drastic reduction of transformation pressures, change in transformation sequence, and particle size effect


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Pressure-induced phase transformations (PTs) between numerous phases of Si, the most important electronic material, have been studied for decades. This is not the case for plastic strain-induced PTs. Here, we revealed in-situ various unexpected plastic strain-induced PT phenomena. Thus, for 100 nm Si, strain-induced PT Si-I to Si-II (and Si-I to Si-III) initiates at 0.4 GPa (0.6 GPa) versus 16.2 GPa ($\infty$, since it does not occur) under hydrostatic conditions; for 30 nm Si, it is 6.1 GPa versus $\infty$. The predicted theoretical correlation between the direct and inverse Hall-Petch effect of the grain size on the yield strength and the minimum pressure for strain-induced PT is confirmed for the appearance of Si-II. Retaining Si-II at ambient pressure and obtaining reverse Si-II to Si-I PT are achieved, demonstrating the possibilities of manipulating different synthetic paths.
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