Copper metal elimination from polluted soil by electro-kinetic technique

Environmental monitoring and assessment(2023)

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The electro kinetic method is one of the common methods in the process of pollutants removal. In this paper, the process of removing copper from contaminated soil has been studied. Some improved conditions were used in this process; the pH of the solution was changed for each experiment during the first three experiments. SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) has been used as an activator to improve the removal process by washing the soil with it. Date palm fibers (DPF) were also used as an adsorbent material to counteract the reverse flow that occurred during the removal process, thus increasing the removal value. Various experiments were performed, where it was observed that by decreasing the pH, the removal capacity was increased. The removal capacity in the three different experiments were 70% at pH 4, 57% at pH 7, and 45% at pH 10. The use of SDS as a solution in the process increased the dissolution and absorption of copper from the soil surface and then increased the removal capacity (74%). The use of DPF to counter the osmosis flow has been successful in adsorbing the pollutants (copper) returning from this flow, and thus this material can be considered good from an economic and environmental aspect when compared to other commercial adsorbents.
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Key words
Copper,Date palm fibers,Electro-kinetic,Removal capacity,SDS,Soil
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