ConTEXTual Net: A Multimodal Vision-Language Model for Segmentation of Pneumothorax

Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine(2024)

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Radiology narrative reports often describe characteristics of a patient’s disease, including its location, size, and shape. Motivated by the recent success of multimodal learning, we hypothesized that this descriptive text could guide medical image analysis algorithms. We proposed a novel vision-language model, ConTEXTual Net, for the task of pneumothorax segmentation on chest radiographs. ConTEXTual Net extracts language features from physician-generated free-form radiology reports using a pre-trained language model. We then introduced cross-attention between the language features and the intermediate embeddings of an encoder-decoder convolutional neural network to enable language guidance for image analysis. ConTEXTual Net was trained on the CANDID-PTX dataset consisting of 3196 positive cases of pneumothorax with segmentation annotations from 6 different physicians as well as clinical radiology reports. Using cross-validation, ConTEXTual Net achieved a Dice score of 0.716±0.016, which was similar to the degree of inter-reader variability (0.712±0.044) computed on a subset of the data. It outperformed vision-only models (Swin UNETR: 0.670±0.015, ResNet50 U-Net: 0.677±0.015, GLoRIA: 0.686±0.014, and nnUNet 0.694±0.016) and a competing vision-language model (LAVT: 0.706±0.009). Ablation studies confirmed that it was the text information that led to the performance gains. Additionally, we show that certain augmentation methods degraded ConTEXTual Net’s segmentation performance by breaking the image-text concordance. We also evaluated the effects of using different language models and activation functions in the cross-attention module, highlighting the efficacy of our chosen architectural design.
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