Video Captioning in Bengali With Visual Attention

2022 25th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT)(2022)

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Generating automatic video captions is one of the most challenging Artificial Intelligence tasks as it combines Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing research areas. The task is more difficult for a complex language like Bengali as there is a general lack of video captioning datasets in the Bengali language. To overcome this challenge, we introduce a fully human-annotated dataset of Bengali captions in this research for the videos of the MSVD dataset. We have proposed a novel end-to-end architecture with an attention-based decoder to generate meaningful video captions in the Bengali language. First, spatial and temporal features of videos are combined using Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units (Bi-GRU) that generate the input feature, which is later fed to the attention layer along with embedded caption features. This attention mechanism explores the interdependence between visual and textual representations. Then, a double-layered GRU takes these combined attention features for generating meaningful sentences. We trained this model on our proposed dataset and achieved 39.35% in BLEU-4, 59.67% in CIDEr, and 65.34% score in ROUGE. This is the state-of-the-art result compared to any other video captioning work available in the Bengali language.
Video Captioning,GRU,Attention Mechanism,CNN,Embedding,Encoder-Decoder
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