Bounds on the Ultrasensitivity of Biochemical Reaction Cascades

Marcello Pajoh-Casco, Abishek Vinujudson,German Enciso

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology(2023)

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The ultrasensitivity of a dose response function can be quantifiably defined using the generalized Hill coefficient of the function. Our group examined an upper bound for the Hill coefficient of the composition of two functions, namely the product of their individual Hill coefficients. We proved that this upper bound holds for compositions of Hill functions, and that there are instances of counterexamples that exist for more general sigmoidal functions. Additionally, we tested computationally other types of sigmoidal functions, such as the logistic and inverse trigonometric functions, and we provided evidence that in these cases the inequality also holds. We show that in large generality there is a limit to how ultrasensitive the composition of two functions can be, which has applications to understanding signaling cascades in biochemical reactions. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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