Influence of administration time and sex on natriuretic, diuretic, and kaliuretic effects of diuretics.

American journal of physiology. Renal physiology(2023)

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Sex differences in renal function and blood pressure have been widely described across many species. Blood pressure dips during sleep and peaks in the early morning. Similarly, glomerular filtration rate, filtered electrolyte loads, urine volume, and urinary excretion all exhibit notable diurnal rhythms, which reflect, in part, the regulation of renal transporter proteins by circadian clock genes. That regulation is sexually dimorphic; as such, sex and time of day are not two independent regulators of kidney function and blood pressure. The objective of the present study was to assess the effect of sex and administration time on the natriuretic and diuretic effects of loop, thiazide, and K-sparing diuretics, which are common treatments for hypertension. Loop diuretics inhibit Na-K-2Cl cotransporters on the apical membrane of the thick ascending limb, thiazide diuretics inhibit Na-Cl cotransporters on the distal convoluted tubule, and K-sparing diuretics inhibit epithelial Na channels on the connecting tubule and collecting duct. We simulated Na transporter inhibition using sex- and time-of-day-specific computational models of mouse kidney function. The simulation results highlighted significant sex and time-of-day differences in the drug response. Loop diuretics induced larger natriuretic and diuretic effects during the active phase. The natriuretic and diuretic effects of thiazide diuretics exhibited sex and time-of-day differences, whereas these effects of K-sparing diuretics exhibited a significant time-of-day difference in females only. The kaliuretic effect depended on the type of diuretics and time of administration. The present computational models can be a useful tool in chronotherapy, to tailor drug administration time to match the body's diurnal rhythms to optimize the drug effect. Sex influences cardiovascular disease, and the timing of onset of acute cardiovascular events exhibits circadian rhythms. Kidney function also exhibits sex differences and circadian rhythms. How do the natriuretic and diuretic effects of diuretics, a common treatment for hypertension that targets the kidneys, differ between the sexes? And how do these effects vary during the day? To answer these questions, we conducted computer simulations to assess the effects of loop, thiazide, and K-sparing diuretics.
circadian rhythms,diuretics,hypertension,kidney function,sex differences
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