Chemistry and geology of coal: nature, composition, coking, gasification, liquefaction, production of chemicals, formation, peatification, coalification, coal types, and ranks


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As probably the most complex natural (geological) material, as well as a parent of the industrial revolution and the most important source of heat and electricity in the world, coal has attracted and continues to attract special attention of scientists and the entire world population. In this context, this lecture text is intended to provide both chemistry and geology students as well as teachers of courses on the chemistry and geology of coal with a solid background of the chemistry and geology of coal. Various aspects of coal chemistry are covered, including the nature of coal, its composition, coking, gasification, liquefaction and production of chemicals. Coal geology concerns major eras of coal formation as well as the processes of peatification, coalification and the chemical processes of coalification, coal types and their properties, coal lithotypes and coal ranks. Each of these topics is an important subject in its own, and this text is aimed to give only a brief overview of each, emphasising the relationship between the geology and chemistry of coal. Graphical Abstract
Coal Chemistry,Geology,Formation,Peatification,Coalification Types,Composition,Liquefaction,Gasification,Coking,Chemical production
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