The CUTE CANVAS: developing a design tool for planning strategic actions for institutional of digital competencies

Linda Castaneda,Virginia Vinoles,Fiona Concannon, Annette Pedersen, Paula Al-Hmiedat, Natalia Lobato


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This paper presents a process of development and validation of a methodological tool for supporting the co-design of strategic actions to enhance the digital competencies of educators in higher education. Considering that organisational strategy and change are often imperfectly reflected in structural arrangements in higher education institutions, this work proposes a novel approach to address this difficulty. In a four-iteration process with a design-based approach, a team of experts and stakeholders from six European countries has created and validated a CANVAS to design actions for fostering Digital Teaching Competences based on the DigCompEdu framework. The result is a methodological instrument that facilitates co-design across stakeholder groups within higher education institutions. Its goal is to enhance a strategic vision for participatory action by scaffolding institutional development processes, collaboratively defined, for short, medium- and long-term impacts. This work can also be a reference for other systematised innovation design approaches.
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Co-design,design thinking,methodological tools,strategical development,institutional development,scaffolding,digital competencies
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