Assessing regional variation in yield from weathered basement aquifers in West Africa and modelling their future groundwater development and sustainability


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A data-driven modelling approach was applied to quantify the potential groundwater yield from weathered crystalline basement aquifers in West Africa, which are a strategic resource for achieving water and food security. To account for possible geological control on aquifer productivity, seven major geological domains were identified based on lithological, stratigraphic, and structural characteristics of the crystalline basement. Extensive data mining was conducted for the hydrogeological parameterisation that led to the identification of representative distributions of input parameters for numerical simulations of groundwater abstractions. These were calibrated to match distributions of measured yields for each domain. Calibrated models were then applied to investigate aquifer and borehole scenarios to assess groundwater productivity. Considering the entire region, modelling results indicate that approximately 50% of well-sited standard 60-m-deep boreholes could sustain yields exceeding 0.5 L/s, and 25% could sustain the yield required for small irrigation systems (> 1.0 L/s). Results also highlighted some regional differences in the ranges of productivities for the different domains, and the significance of the depth of the static water table and the lateral extent of aquifers across all geological domains. This approach can be applied to derive groundwater maps for the region and provide the quantitative information required to evaluate the potential of different designs of groundwater supply networks.
Water supply,Numerical modelling,Africa
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