Charged Taub-NUT-AdS Black Holes in f ( R ) Gravity and Holographic Complexity

Sen Chen,Yili Pei,Li Li, Taotao Yang


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In this work, we obtain charged Taub-NUT-AdS black holes in f ( R ) gravity with the Maxwell term and deduce its thermodynamic first law. The holographic complexity of the black hole with inner and outer horizons is then studied using the “complexity equals action” (CA duality). We get a complexity growth rate considering all the contributions, including the bulk, boundary, and joint terms. At late times, the complexity growth rate can be expressed in a compact form which is significantly influenced by the Misner string and the correction from the f ( R ) gravity. Also, our result can reduce to that of the charged Taub-NUT-AdS black hole in Einstein-Maxwell gravity.
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Holographic complexity,f(R) graviry,Taub-NUT-AdS black holes
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