SubvectorS_Geo: A Neural-Network-Based IPv6 Geolocation Algorithm


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IPv6 geolocation is necessary for many location-based Internet services. However, the accuracy of the current IPv6 geolocation methods including machine-learning-based or deep-learning-based location algorithms are unsatisfactory for users. Strong geographic correlation is observed for measurement path features close to the target IP, so previous methods focused more on stable paths in the vicinity of the probe. Based on this, this paper proposes a new IPv6 geolocation algorithm, SubvectorS_Geo, which is mainly divided into three steps: firstly, it filters geographically relevant routing feature codes layer by layer to approximate the fine-grained trusted region of the target; secondly, it extracts delay vectors into the trusted region; thirdly, it evaluates the vector similarity to determine the final target geolocation information. The final experiments show that the median error distance range is 7.025 km to 9.709 km on three real datasets (Shanghai, New York State, and Tokyo). Compared with the advanced method, the median distance error distance is reduced by at least 6.8% and the average error distance is reduced by at least 9.2%.
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IPv6 geolocation,network mapping,neural network
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