Exploring the Temporal Consistency of Arbitrary Style Transfer: A Channelwise Perspective

Xiaoyu Kong,Yingying Deng,Fan Tang, Weiming Dong,Chongyang Ma, Yongyong Chen, Zhenyu He,Changsheng Xu


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Arbitrary image stylization by neural networks has become a popular topic, and video stylization is attracting more attention as an extension of image stylization. However, when image stylization methods are applied to videos, unsatisfactory results that suffer from severe flickering effects appear. In this article, we conducted a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the cause of such flickering effects. Systematic comparisons among typical neural style transfer approaches show that the feature migration modules for state-of-the-art (SOTA) learning systems are ill-conditioned and could lead to a channelwise misalignment between the input content representations and the generated frames. Unlike traditional methods that relieve the misalignment via additional optical flow constraints or regularization modules, we focus on keeping the temporal consistency by aligning each output frame with the input frame. To this end, we propose a simple yet efficient multichannel correlation network (MCCNet), to ensure that output frames are directly aligned with inputs in the hidden feature space while maintaining the desired style patterns. An inner channel similarity loss is adopted to eliminate side effects caused by the absence of nonlinear operations such as softmax for strict alignment. Furthermore, to improve the performance of MCCNet under complex light conditions, we introduce an illumination loss during training. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations demonstrate that MCCNet performs well in arbitrary video and image style transfer tasks.
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Key words
Correlation,Task analysis,Optical imaging,Integrated optics,Lighting,Optical fiber networks,Image reconstruction,Arbitrary stylization,channel correlation,cross-domain,feature migration
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