Enhancing Efficacy of a Brief Obesity and Eating Disorder Prevention Program: Long-Term Results from an Experimental Therapeutics Trial.


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: Test whether the efficacy of , an obesity/eating disorder prevention program, is improved by delivering it in single-sex groups and adding food response inhibition and attention training. : High-risk young adults ( = 261; age = 19.3, 74% female) were randomized to (1) single-sex or (2) mixed-sex groups that completed food response inhibition and attention training or (3) single-sex or (4) mixed-sex groups that completed sham training with nonfood images in a 2 × 2 factorial design. : There was a significant sex-composition by training-type by time interaction; participants who completed single- or mixed-sex groups plus food response and attention training showed significant reductions in body fat over a 2-year follow-up, though this effect was more rapid and persistent in single-sex groups, whereas those who completed single- or mixed-sex groups plus sham training did not show body fat change. However, there were no differences in overweight/obesity onset over the follow-up. The manipulated factors did not affect eating disorder symptoms or eating disorder onset, but there was a significant reduction in symptoms across the conditions (within-condition = -0.58), converging with prior evidence that produced larger reductions in symptoms (within-condition = -0.48) than educational control participants. Average eating disorder onset over the 2-year follow-up (6.4%) was similar to that observed in in a past trial (4.5%). : Given that significantly reduced future onset of overweight/obesity in a prior trial and the present trial found that body fat loss effects were significantly greater when implemented in single-sex groups and paired with food response and attention training, there might be value in broadly implementing this combined intervention.
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Key words
eating disorder,experimental therapeutics,obesity,prevention,response training
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