Less is More: Data Pruning for Faster Adversarial Training


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Deep neural networks (DNNs) are sensitive to adversarial examples, resulting in fragile and unreliable performance in the real world. Although adversarial training (AT) is currently one of the most effective methodologies to robustify DNNs, it is computationally very expensive (e.g., 5-10X costlier than standard training). To address this challenge, existing approaches focus on single-step AT, referred to as Fast AT, reducing the overhead of adversarial example generation. Unfortunately, these approaches are known to fail against stronger adversaries. To make AT computationally efficient without compromising robustness, this paper takes a different view of the efficient AT problem. Specifically, we propose to minimize redundancies at the data level by leveraging data pruning. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the data pruning based AT can achieve similar or superior robust (and clean) accuracy as its unpruned counterparts while being significantly faster. For instance, proposed strategies accelerate CIFAR-10 training up to 3.44X and CIFAR-100 training to 2.02X. Additionally, the data pruning methods can readily be reconciled with existing adversarial acceleration tricks to obtain the striking speed-ups of 5.66X and 5.12X on CIFAR-10, 3.67X and 3.07X on CIFAR-100 with TRADES and MART, respectively.
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