The reason for the wide particle spread during the 17 April 2021 SEP event


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<p>The widespread SEP event of 17 April 2021 was observed by five longitudinally well-separated observers in the inner heliosphere covering distances to the Sun from 0.42 to 1 au: BepiColombo, Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter, STEREO A, and close-to-Earth spacecraft. The event, which produced relativistic electrons and protons, was associated with a complex and long-lasting solar eruption involving a long-duration flare, a medium-fast Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), an EUV wave and a complex solar radio burst activity lasting for 40 minutes including type II bursts, marking the presence of a shock, as well as four distinct groups of type III bursts. Our comprehensive analysis of the multi-spacecraft in-situ and remote-sensing observations suggests different source regions for the electron and proton SEP event with a stronger shock contribution for the proton event and a more likely flare-related source of the electron event. We furthermore determine that the four distinct injection episodes, marked by the radio type III burst groups, cover a longitudinal range of about 110&#176; and were a main ingredient for the wide SEP spread. We consider this a new scenario that must be taken into account as a potential contributor to widespread SEP events.</p>
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