Recent studies have shown that the ion precipitation induced by EMIC waves can contribute significantly to the total energy flux deposi">

EMIC wave induced proton precipitation during the 27-28 May 2017 storm:Comparison of BATSRUS+RAM-SCB simulations with ground/space based observations


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<p align="justify">Recent studies have shown that the ion precipitation induced by EMIC waves can contribute significantly to the total energy flux deposited into the ionosphere and severely affect the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. During the geomagnetic storm of 27-28 May 2017, the ARASE and the RBSPa satellites observed typical signatures of EMIC waves in the inner magnetosphere. The DMSP and MetOp satellites observed enhanced proton precipitation during the main phase of the storm. In order to understand the evolution of proton precipitation into the ionosphere, its correspondence to the time and location of excitation of the EMIC waves and its relation to the source and distribution of proton temperature anisotropy, we conducted two simulations of the BATSRUS+RAMSCBE model with and without EMIC waves included. Simulation results suggest that the H- and He-band EMIC waves are excited within regions of strong temperature anisotropy of protons in the vicinity of the plasmapause. In regions where the Arase/RBSPa satellite measurements recorded EMIC wave activity, an increase in the simulated growth rates of H- and He-band EMIC waves is observed indicating that the model is able to capture the EMIC wave activity. The RAM-SCBE simulation with EMIC waves reproduces the precipitating fluxes in the premidnight sector fairly well, and is found to be in good agreement with the DMSP and MetOp satellite observations. The results suggest that the EMIC wave scattering of ring current ions gives rise to the proton precipitation in the premidnight sector at subauroral latitudes during the main phase of the 27 May 2017 storm.</p>
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