Changing recombinant factor VIII to plasma-derived factor VIII during immune tolerance induction


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Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size AcknowledgementsThe BrazIT Study group would like to thank the multiprofessional team from the participating HTCs for providing support to identify and refer patients to the study.Authors’ contributions (CredIT taxonomy)RMC contributed to methodology, investigation, data curation, formal analysis, project administration, visualization, and wrote the paper. MMD contributed to data curation, validation, and wrote the paper. LPM contributed to data curation and validation. LLJ contributed to data curation, investigation, methodology, resources, and validation. AGO contributed to data curation. RAR contributed to data curation. VKBF contributed to data curation. FMRAC contributed to data curation. CSL contributed to data curation. SMR contributed to conceptualization, funding acquisition, resources, supervision, and wrote the paper. All authors revised and approved the final version of the manuscript.Conflicts of interestRMC received speaker fees from Bayer, NovoNordisk, Hoffman-La Roche, and Takeda; consultancy fees from Hoffman-La Roche and Takeda, and scientific event grants from Bayer, NovoNordisk, Hoffman-La Roche, and Takeda. AGO received speaker fees from Hoffman-La Roche, Takeda and NovoNordisk, and scientific event grants from NovoNordisk. VKBF received scientific event grants from Takeda. FMRAC received scientific event grants from Hoffman-La Roche and NovoNordisk. MMD, LPM, LLJ, RAR, CSL and SMR declare they have no competing interests which might be perceived as posing a conflict of bias.BrazIT Study is fully funded by Governmental grants from the National Health Fund (grant number 17217.9850001-15-006) and CNPq (grant number 420008/2018-7). RMC received scholarship (PDSE-88881.362041/2019-1) from the CAPES Foundation, an agency under the Ministry of Education of Brazil, to conduct part of his doctoral research as a visiting student at Leiden Universitair Medisch Centrum in the Netherlands. MMD received scholarship (PIBIC-155139/2019-3) from CNPq. LPM received scholarship (PROBIC-14020) from FAPEMIG.
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Key words
recombinant factor viii,factor viii,tolerance,plasma-derived
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