Association between uterine toxicity induced by chlorpyrifos and downregulation of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor and L-selectin genes.

Veterinary research forum : an international quarterly journal(2023)

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Various factors are effective in reducing the fertility rate. This experiment aimed to investigate chlorpyrifos (CPF), an organophosphate, that could alter the structure of the uterus and the molecules involved in parental and fetal. CPF was injected intraperitoneally in thirty mice for five days in a week (six weeks). The animals were euthanized on the 5 day of gestation, then their blood and uterus were collected for biochemical and histopathological assays. Exposure to CPF resulted in a significant reduction in maternal weight gain and the number of litters. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were significantly increased in blood serum of the CPF group compared with the control. The number of uterus glands, endometrium thickness, and the uterine cavity were changed following CPF injection. Additional investigation indicated that the expressions of , and as initial adhesion of mice blastocysts and maternal endometrium biomarkers were downregulated in the CPF group. Nevertheless, any mortality and abnormal clinical symptoms were not observed in the treated mice. This study revealed a potential molecular mechanism of continuous CPF-induced toxicity in fetal-maternal attachment without clinical symptoms.
Adhesion molecules,Endometrium,Liver enzymes
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