Dynamic changes in thymic sub-populations during acute and long-term infections with virulent and virulence-attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium strains in C57BL/6 and autoimmune-prone lpr mice.

Microbial pathogenesis(2023)

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Typhimurium infection in mice results in drastic loss of immature CD4 CD8 double negative (DN) and CD4 CD8 double positive (DP) thymic subsets compared to mature single positive (SP) subsets. We investigated changes in thymocyte sub-populations post infection with a wild type (WT) virulent strain and ΔrpoS, a virulence-attenuated strain, of Salmonella Typhimurium in C57BL/6 (B6) and Fas-deficient autoimmune-prone lpr mice. The WT strain caused acute thymic atrophy with greater loss of thymocytes in lpr mice compared to B6 mice. Infection with ΔrpoS caused progressive thymic atrophy in B6 and lpr mice. Analysis of thymocyte subsets revealed that immature thymocytes including the DN, immature single positive (ISP), and DP thymocytes underwent extensive loss. SP thymocytes were more resistant to loss in WT-infected B6 mice, whereas WT-infected lpr and ΔrpoS-infected mice exhibited depletion of SP thymocytes. Overall, thymocyte sub-populations exhibited differential susceptibilities depending on bacterial virulence and the host background.
Cortisol,Host responses,Infection,Salmonella typhimurium,Thymic atrophy,Thymic subsets
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