A Compact Reconfigurable Filtering PIN Diode Switch Based on Hybrid Resonator Topology

2023 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS)(2023)

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This paper presents a reconfigurable band-pass filtering PIN Diode switch. The cylindrical substrate integrated cavity (SIC) and combline SIC resonators with distributed configuration are effectively employed to realize an eight-state compact filtering switch with a third-degree Chebyshev response. The proposed switch operates at 13 GHz with a bandwidth of 400 MHz, return loss of 20 dB, and insolation of better than 38 dB. The synthesized, simulated and measured results agree well, verifying the unique performance and robustness of the proposed solution.
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Key words
Band-pass filter,combline SIC,distributed configuration,hybrid resonator,PIN Diode,reconfigurable switch
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