Effects of co-selection of antibiotic-resistance and metal-resistance genes on antibiotic-resistance potency of environmental bacteria and related ecological risk factors.

Environmental toxicology and pharmacology(2023)

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The inadequate elimination of micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), cause to increase in the incidence of antibiotic resistant bacterial strains. Growth of microbial pathogens in WWTP is one of the serious public health problems. The widespread and simultaneous emergence of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and heavy metal resistance genes (HMRGs) in the environment with heavy metals create persistent and selective pressure for co-selection of both genes on environmental microorganisms. Co-localization of ARGs and HMRGs on the same horizontal mobile genetic elements (MGEs) allows the spreading of numerous antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria in aquatic and terrestrial environment. The biofilm formation and colonization potential of environmental bacteria leads to the co-selection of multi-antibiotic resistance and multi-metal tolerance. Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), co-localization of both ARGs and HMRGs on the same MGEs, and the shared resistomes are important bacteria-associated ecological risks factors, which reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics against bacterial infections.
Antibiotic resistance genes,Integron,Metal resistance genes,Mobile genetic elements,Quorum sensing,Wastewater treatment plants
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