Commutative Information Algebras: Representation and Duality Theory.


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Information algebras arise from the idea that information comes in pieces which can be aggregated or combined into new pieces, that information refers to questions and that from any piece of information, the part relevant to a given question can be extracted. This leads to a certain type of algebraic structures, basically semilattices endowed with with additional unary operations. These operations essentially are (dual) existential quantifiers on the underlying semilattice. The archetypical instances of such algebras are semilattices of subsets of some universe, together with the saturation operators associated with a family of equivalence relations on this universe. Such algebras will be called {\em set algebras} in our context. Our first result is a basic representation theorem: Every abstract information algebra is isomorphic to a set algebra. When it comes to combine pieces of information, the idea to model the logical connectives {\em and}, {\em or} or {\em not} is quite natural. Accordingly, we are especially interested in information algebras where the underlying semilattice is a lattice, typically distributive or even Boolean. A major part of this paper is therefore devoted to developing explicitly a full-fledged natural duality theory extending Stone resp. Priestley duality in a suitable way in order to take into account the additional operations.
duality theory,representation,algebras,information
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