Precise lifetime measurement of $^4_\Lambda$H hypernucleus using a novel production method


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We present a new measurement of the $^4_\Lambda$H hypernuclear lifetime using a novel production reaction, $K^-$ + $^4$He $\rightarrow$ $^4_\Lambda\ $H + $\pi^0$, at the J-PARC hadron facility. We demonstrate, for the first time, the effective selection of the hypernuclear bound state using only t\ he $\gamma$-ray energy decayed from $\pi^0$. This opens the possibility for a systematic study of isospin partner hypernuclei through comparison with data from ($K^-$, $\pi^-$) reaction. As the first application of this method, our result for the $^4_\Lambda$H lifetime, $\tau(^4_\Lambda \mathrm{H}\ ) = 206 \pm 8 (\mathrm{stat.}) \pm 12 (\mathrm{syst.})\ \mathrm{ps}$, is one of the most precise measurements to date. We are also preparing to measu\ re the lifetime of the hypertriton ($^3_\Lambda$H) using the same setup in the near future.
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