Design and Implementation of IoT Based Local Weather Station - An Experimental Setup

Nikuni Tandan, Anup Kanse, Oj Uparkar,Riya Modi, Harish Karnam,Saurabh Mehta, Akshaj Raut, Sonali Bedade

2022 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC)(2022)

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In contemporary times it is observed that the climatic and weather conditions have become skeptical and unpredictable. To confound this unreliable nature and variability of weather conditions, we present an experimental setup of loT-based local weather stations. This paper presents the design and implementation details of the experimental setup, ESP8266-based Wi-fi module NodeMCU (12E) is the brain of the prototype. Two sensors are connected to the NodeMCU, namely a temperature and humidity sensor (DHT11), and an Air quality gas sensor (MQ135). Additionally, to display the results, we present VIT Weather Station’ - A local weather station app which can keep people updated regarding the environmental conditions utilizing live data collection and display. The device will monitor the temperature, humidity, and air quality index. This application is supported on Android as well as IOS systems. Local users can also view the monitored data from Twitter for easier convenience.
Internet of Things,Weather monitoring,Weather Station App,Twitter updates
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