Excitation function of Fe-54(p,alpha)Mn-51 from 9.5 MeV to 18MeV


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Excitation function of the Fe-54(p,alpha)Mn-51 reaction was measured from 9.5 to 18MeV E-0,E-p+ by activating a foil stack of Fe-54 electrodeposited on copper substrates. Residual radionuclides were quantified by HPGe gamma ray spectrometry. Both Mn-51 (t(1/2)= 46.2 min, < E beta+> = 963.7keV, I beta+= 97%; E-gamma = 749.1keV, I-gamma = 0.265%) and its radioactive daughter, Cr-51 (t(1/2)= 27.704d, E-gamma = 320.1keV, I-gamma = 9.91%), were used to indirectly quantify formation of Mn-51. Results agree within uncertainty to the only other measurement in literature and predictions of default TALYS theoretical code. Final relative uncertainties are within +/- 12%. (c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Excitation function,Gamma spectroscopy,Gamma spectrometry,Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator,Manganese-51,Positron emission tomography
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