Couple interactions and relationship satisfaction in parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Ajana Low, Marijana Vrankic Pavon,Ana Wagner Jakab


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Despite the evidence of an increased stress, the knowledge on couple interactions in parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is still scarce. In this paper we examine the associations between parental stress, social support, positive and negative couple interactions, and relationship satisfaction in parents of children with ASD. The sample included 89 participants who met the criteria of being in a relationship, i.e. living in the same household with a partner, and parenting a child with a diagnosis of ASD. Questionnaires were administered through kindergartens, primary schools and centers for autism. Path analysis showed a significant indirect effect of parental stress on relationship satisfaction via more negative interactions, more co-parenting conflicts, and less positive interactions. The results also suggest an important role of social support: high parental stress was associated with negative interactions in couples with weak social support, whereas the same association was not substantial for couples with strong social support. Enhancing parent's intimate relationships should be included in planning support services. Programs should address the issues of positive and negative couple interactions and forms of effective social support.
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Key words
Autism Spectrum Disorder,Couple interactions,Relationship satisfaction,Parental stress,Social support
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