Propriet? psicometriche della Scheda di Monitoraggio del Percorso Riabilitativo (MPR)


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Purpose. The correct placement of people with mental disorders in psychiatric residential facilities (PRF) and the monitoring of their progress in these facili-ties is a critical issue that has not been fully settled in the Italian system. To overcome this problem, some validated instruments are used, which mostly assess the patient's functioning/disability, while no instruments have been set up to assess functional autonomy in patients with a psychiatric disorder residents in RFs. The Verona Depart-ment of Mental Health has created the Monitoring of the Path of Rehabilitation (MPR) Form with the aim of assess-ing the functional autonomy of patients to admit and monitor them adequately in their residential pathways. The aim of this study is to test the main psychometric properties of the MPR Form. Methods. The study of the psychometric properties of the MPR Form consisted of three steps: an evaluation conducted more than 15 days apart by two independent evaluators on 18 clini-cal cases to investigate the test-retest reliability; a test of the 18 clinical cases by the two evaluators to measure the inter-rater rieliability; a measure of convergent valid-ity using the Personal and Social Functioning Scale. Eight professionals completed a satisfaction questionnaire re-garding the acceptability of the MPR Form. Inter-rater and test-retest analyses were conducted using intraclass correlation coefficients. Convergent validity was investi-gated using Kendall's tau-b rank correlation coefficient and acceptability using a frequency analysis. Results. Inter-rater and test-retest reliability were good, as well for concurrent validity and acceptability. Conclusions. The data presented in this article demonstrate that it is possible to measure the functional autonomy of patients in Italian SRPs using the MPR Form.
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Key words
Acceptability,concurrent validity,function-al autonomy,individualised treatment plan,psychomet-ric properties,reliability,residential facilities
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