Hemodynamic and Clinical Results of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in Large Aortic Annuli: Experience of One Center of Latin America


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Pharmacokinetic (PK) models have been designed to predict the transient relationship between the drug’s intended effect and the conditions of the drug’s application. This chapter considers a model of tissue scale drug delivery that represents three drug phases: the free drug in the extracellular space, the free drug in the intracellular space, and the intracellular product of reaction. A review is presented of the most common components used in the three-compartment continuum models of drug delivery to single cell-type populations. This is followed by a review of the field’s methods to model drug delivery to tissues composed of multiple cell-type populations. The remainder of this chapter focuses on the development of the analytical solution to the problem of the conservation of drug mass in a tissue composed of three types of cells. In this problem the transmembrane transport rates are represented by Fickian-based models and the internal reaction rates are represented by nonreversible first-order binding models. An uncoupling procedure is applied to the system of four equations that leads to a single partial differential equation of high order having the extracellular concentration as a single unknown. This equation is recognized to be a dual-phase-lag (DPL) equation of high order whose solution is formulated by using a modified separation-of-variable method. The results are presented in a graphical form using 2D and contour plots.
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transcatheter aortic valve replacement,large aortic annuli
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