Do career commitment and distributive justice influence job satisfaction?


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Objective: To analyze the relationship between career commitment, distributive justice and job satisfaction in a credit cooperative. Method/approach: This research is characterized as descriptive with a quantitative approach, based on a survey study with a questionnaire applied to 180 respondents from 30 agencies of a Credit Cooperative. Five hypotheses were generated in the research. Main findings: The results indicate that the affective dimension presents greater significance with job satisfaction, representing the bond employees have with the organization. Employees recognize that, although the work environment presents moments of stress and pressures, remuneration is fair to generate satisfaction, compared to the effort spent on the cooperative. Career Commitment is related directly and positively to distributive justice. When professionals perceive that the organization distributes the results fairly, they tend to remain, signaling that the perceived remuneration is in accordance with their dedication to the organization.Theoretical/practical/social contributions: This research contributes to the perception of organizational justice as a potentiator of Career Commitment and job satisfaction, as it will provide insights to people managers in decisions about monitoring and potentiating career commitment, having the perspective that employees are partners in achieving organizational objectives. Originality/relevance: Originality is present in the constructs approach (Career Commitment, Distributive Justice and Job Satisfaction), in a broad context of a credit cooperative, which has been consolidated and awarded as one of the best to work for.
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Career Commitment,Distributive Justice,Job Satisfaction,Credit Cooperative
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