Drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence and Their Potential Solutions in the Healthcare Sector

Bangul khan, Hajira Fatima,Ayatullah Qureshi, Sanjay Kumar, Abdul Hanan,Jawad Hussain,Saad Abdullah

Biomedical materials & devices (New York, N.Y.)(2023)

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to make substantial progress toward the goal of making healthcare more personalized, predictive, preventative, and interactive. We believe AI will continue its present path and ultimately become a mature and effective tool for the healthcare sector. Besides this AI-based systems raise concerns regarding data security and privacy. Because health records are important and vulnerable, hackers often target them during data breaches. The absence of standard guidelines for the moral use of AI and ML in healthcare has only served to worsen the situation. There is debate about how far artificial intelligence (AI) may be utilized ethically in healthcare settings since there are no universal guidelines for its use. Therefore, maintaining the confidentiality of medical records is crucial. This study enlightens the possible drawbacks of AI in the implementation of healthcare sector and their solutions to overcome these situations. Graphical Abstract
Artificial intelligence,Clinical practices,Health sector,IoT,Machine learning
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