An unusual case of mechanical bowel obstruction due to cholecysto-intestinal fistula and impacted gallstone: A case report and literature review


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Gallstone ileus is a rare entity and constitutes an uncommon complication of gallstone disease. It is caused by the impaction of a gallstone in the gastrointestinal tract and may cause serious symptoms or even life-threatening complications. It should be part of the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen especially in patients presenting with signs and symptoms of bowel obstruction and known gallstone disease. An early diagnosis is essential, and surgical treatment is the gold standard in order to relieve the obstruction. We present the case of an 84-year-old male patient with gallstone ileus due to cholecysto-intestinal fistula and impacted gallstone at jejunum. He was treated via urgent enterolithotomy, and his post-operative period was uneventful. This report aims to further educate clinical doctors on this rare medical condition which may pose a potentially serious health risk.
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Intestinal obstruction,gallstones,intestinal fistula,signs and symptoms,surgical procedures
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