Impacto de la pandemia en la actividad de las unidades de cirugía reconstructiva urológica y de andrología en España durante el estado de alarma (COVID-19) en 2020: resultados de una encuesta nacional


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Introduction: In Spain the state of alarm secondary to COVID-19 dramatically changed the medi-cal and surgical assistance activity of other pathologies. Regarding urological pathologies, those considered as << non-urgent >> (andrology and reconstructive surgery) were postponed or even unattended. Material and methods: In May 2020, once the first COVID-19 wave was almost over and still in the state of alarm, a 24-item survey was sent to 120 urologists from the Andrology Group and the Urologic Reconstructive Surgery Group of the Spanish Urological Association (AEU). Its aim was to determine the impact on clinical and surgical practice in both subspecialties. Results: We observed a response rate of 75.8% with 91 answered surveys. Before the state of alarm, 49.5% of urologists had 1-2 weekly surgical sessions available, surgical waiting list was 3-12 months for the 71.4%, and 39.6% attended between 20-40 patients weekly in office. During the state of alarm, 95.6% were given any kind of surgical guidelines, prioritizing emergency and oncologic pathologies. In the 85.7% of the hospitals neither andrology nor reconstructive surgeries were performed. In office, around 50% of patients were attended not on-site, most of them through telemedicine (phone calls and e-mails). Conclusions: The negative pandemic implications in relation to the andrology and reconstruc-tive surgery pathologies were truly important. After almost 2 years from the start of the pandemic, the true final impact on our health system has yet to be determined. (c) 2022 AEU. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
COVID-19,Andrology,Reconstructive surgery,National survey
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