Special research area 1123: atherosclerosis-Mechanisms and networks of new therapeutic target structures


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Arterial vascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke, remain the leading cause of death worldwide and impose enormous socioeconomic costs. This dilemma could be alleviated by improved vascular prevention and treatment, which requires deeper mechanistic research of atherosclerosis as an underlying pathology to drive the development of innovative treatment concepts. Therefore, the mission of SFB1123 is to unravel the molecular networks in atherogenesis, atheroprogression and atherothrombosis and thus advance the identification and validation of relevant therapeutic target structures. To achieve this, the SFB1123 brings together a unique network of excellent basic and clinical scientists fromthe various Munich research sites of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), the Technical University Munich (TUM) and the Helmholtz Center with a common focus: deciphering themolecular and cellular mechanisms of atherosclerosis. The success of the first two funding periods clearly demonstrates that it is possible to advance the development of innovative concepts for therapeutic measures that selectively target chronic inflammation and maladaptation under metabolic stress without compromising the overall immune response through the synergy of expertise in a concerted interdisciplinary approach.
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Basic research,Cardiovascular research,Atherothrombosis,Anti-inflammatory treatment,Coronary heart disease
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